Summer Safety - How to Avoid Breakdowns and Accidents this Summer

Summer Safety - How to Avoid Breakdowns and Accidents this Summer Auto Care East

Summer is underway and the temperatures are heating up. Between fluctuations in temperature and extra strain from summer road trips, some components of your vehicle need a little extra attention this time of year. We’ve put together a list of items you should check before we head into the dog days of summer to keep your car running smoothly, as well as a couple of extra tips to help keep you safe on the road this season.

Cooling System:

Have your cooling system flushed and filled to the proper level. Coolant is especially important in the summer, and proper levels must be maintained in order to prevent your engine from overheating and leaving you stranded!


Your tires can lose or gain pressure between the plethora of potholes here in NYC and fluctuations in temperature from day to night. Always ensure your tires are properly inflated, especially if you’re planning on heading out on a long trip. Check your spare tire to ensure it’s properly inflated and free of leaks. The only thing worse than a blow-out on the way to the beach is discovering that your spare tire is busted, too.


Changing your blades is an often overlooked but incredibly important (and inexpensive) safety measure.  Winter blades are often stretched or damaged from winter snow, salt, and ice, by the time summer rolls around, meaning they won’t be as effective in those blinding summer downpours. Summer wiper blades are lighter than winter blades and designed to quickly whisk water out of the way, which makes driving in the rain a lot safer.


One of the main causes of battery failure is the oxidation of the battery’s components. The oxidation is exacerbated by the accelerated fluid loss due to summer heat.  Have your battery tested and change it out if it’s getting low on life before the really hot weather hits.

Be Prepared for Breakdowns

It’s important to be prepared for a breakdown in the summer. Accidents or breakdowns can occur even in cars that are otherwise in excellent condition. Make sure your car is equipped with a phone charger, first aid kit, road flairs, jumper cables, extra bottles of water, non-perishable snacks such as nuts and dried fruit, a flashlight, and batteries.

Lastly…Be Observant on the Road

Incidences of motor vehicle accidents tend to spike in the days between Memorial Day and Labor Day. Reduce the chances that you will be involved in an accident by being a diligent and observant driver. Reduce or eliminate distractions, never text and drive for any reason whatsoever, maintain a safe driving speed, and practice defensive driving.

If your vehicle needs a summer tune-up, or if you need auto body or collision repair, come see the experts at Auto Care East. Our auto collision center specializes in auto repair and estimates, auto body paint, and auto body repair. Give us a call today to schedule your service!

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